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Factors affecting the processing of large and small iron castings
Edit:Kaihua Xinrui Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd.   UpDate:2021-07-21

Factors affecting the processing of large and small iron castings

The first is the design process of iron castings. In order to avoid or reduce the composition segregation, deformation, cracking and other defects of iron castings, the rationality of the design must be considered from the perspective of the casting alloy and the characteristics of the casting process, that is, the obvious size effect and the problems of solidification, shrinkage and stress.

Second, a reasonable casting process is required. In other words, according to the structure, weight and size of the cast iron, the characteristics of the cast alloy and the production conditions, the appropriate parting surface, shape and core making method should be selected, and the ribs, cold iron, riser and pouring of the casting should be set reasonably system. To obtain high-quality cast iron parts.

The third is the quality of raw materials for casting. If the quality of metal furnace charge, refractory materials, fuel, flux, modifier, foundry sand, sand binder, coating and other materials is unqualified, the iron castings will have defects such as pores, pinholes, slag inclusions, sand sticking, etc. The appearance quality and internal quality of the castings, in severe cases, the iron castings will be scrapped. The fourth is process operation. It is necessary to formulate reasonable process operation procedures to improve the technical level of workers so that the process regulations can be implemented correctly.

In manufacturing, the quality of castings should be controlled and inspected. First of all, it is necessary to formulate process regulations and technical conditions from raw materials and auxiliary materials to the control and inspection of each specific product. Each process is strictly controlled and inspected in accordance with process regulations and technical conditions. Finally, the quality of the finished castings was inspected. Reasonable test methods and suitable test personnel should be provided. For the appearance quality of professional iron castings, the surface roughness of the castings can generally be judged by comparing samples; small cracks on the surface can be detected by the coloring method and the magnetic powder method.
